Keyword of PPI Results
数据中心 _ 东方财富网
WebSite: data.eastmoney.com东方财富网数据中心提供证券市场全面的数据服务,将股票数据、基金数据、经济数据进行优化整合,为您的投资提供重要依据
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U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
WebSite: bls.govThe Bureau of Labor Statistics is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.
15,498 -
Federal Reserve Economic Data | FRED | St. Louis Fed
WebSite: fred.stlouisfed.orgDownload, graph, and track 818,000 economic time series from 110 sources.
21,718 -
Screen Sizes | Viewport Sizes and Pixel Densities for Popular Devices
WebSite: is a handy database of screen sizes, viewport sizes, and pixel densities for popular smart phones, tablets, and monitors.
726,609 -
Zentrum für Bioinformatik: Universität Hamburg - Proteins Plus Server
WebSite: proteins.plusProteinsPlus structure-based modeling support server. This server is a common web portal for all tools related to structure-based modeling created by the AMD group (Prof. M. Rarey) at ZBH, Hamburg, including DoGSite Scorer, EDIA, PPI, PoseView, SIENA and ProToss
992,997 -
Home - Shop Online - Marcom S.r.l.
WebSite: shop.marcomweb.itMarcom S.r.l. - Sviluppo software, prodotti ed integrazioni per l'Automazione Industriale: PLC, SCADA, Bus di campo, OPC, PROFIBUS, Supervisione, Telecontrollo. Consulenze, studi di fattibilità, integrazione di soluzioni, corsi di formazione. Progettazione e realizzazione sistemi di controllo e scambio dati per impianti industriali.
2,082,602 -
MSX Assembly Page
WebSite: map.grauw.nlThe MSX Assembly Page is a central source for MSX programming information in various languages, though mainly assembly. It contains articles on several topics, programming resources, sources, software downloads and links to some other good MSX programming sites.
4,555,988 -
Главная - Автокраски ДВ | Всё для кузовного ремонта | краски, автоэмали, окрасочные камеры, абразивы, шпатлёвки, грунты, герметики | официальный дилер Koch, Rock Paint, U-Pol, LeTech в Хабаровске
WebSite: ak-dv.ruАвтокраски ДВ - это дружный коллектив профессионалов, имеющих богатый опыт в области оптовых поставок и розничных продаж материалов для кузовного ремонта, колеровки и подбора цвета, грамотного консультирования клиентов. Мы являемся официальными дилерами марок: Vika, 3М, MOTIP, BODY, SONAX, Guntex, MIRKA, SUNMIGHT, ABREX-SYSTEM, EUROCEL, Farecla, INP, Isistem, JetaPro, QUICKLINE, REOFLEX, SATA, Solary, U-POL, U-SEAL, VOYLET, WURTH, KOCH, LeTech, GYEON, KOVAX, Русский мастер, DUR, ROCK PAINT, Rupes, HIKARI, SOFT 99, MENZERNA. Свыше 9 лет мы занимаем лидирующие позиции в области продажи автомобильных красок и других материалов для покраски автомобилей в Хабаровске, и за это время спектр ассортимента увеличился до 7 тысяч наименований.
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Wah Seong Corporation Berhad
WebSite: wahseong.comA globally integrated energy infrastructure group, Wasco Energy is committed to serving its expanding pool of clients around the world. Established in Malaysia, our strong foothold in Asia is supported by a vast network of international operations and facilities. Our Group currently commands a reputable track record of major energy infrastructure projects across the globe. Our stable of products and services are streamlined into six business divisions: pipe coating, pipe manufacturing, engineering, renewable energy, trading and e&p services
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