Keyword of Ph.D Results
Official Website of Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
WebSite: Website of Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India
179,515 -
Home Page | ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII
WebSite: asst-pg23.itL'ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII offre prestazioni ospedaliere di elevata specializzazione e servizi sociosanitari e domiciliari
313,469 -
Career Point Universe : Career Point University Kota & Hamirpur
WebSite: cpuniverse.inBoth the universities are included in the list of Indian Universities maintained by University Grants Commission (UGC) and Association of Indian Universities (AIU)
1,145,807 -
XIME - 2 year PGDM Program in Bangalore, Kochi and Chennai
WebSite: xime.orgExplore Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (XIME) a management institute that offers a fully residential 2-year PGDM Course in Bangalore, Kochi & Chennai.
1,441,170 -
Top Law, Management, Engineering, Pharmacy and Agriculture College in Delhi-Jaipur | Raffles University Neemrana
WebSite: University provides unprecedented opportunities to be taught by experts in their respective fields with the help of latest technological aids. Students have the option to study Law, Engineering, Sciences, Commerce, Social Science and Management courses at Graduate, Post Graduate, Ph.D. levels, diploma courses and Certificate courses. The University also offers scholarship and free ship to help the deserving students to pursue their education and research. Raffles University would evolve as an institution of excellence where scholars, who develop informed and inquiring minds, shall broaden the frontiers of pure and applied knowledge. Scholars, who shall not merely undergo the humdrum learning of how things are done but shall move onwards, exploring problems and solutions that have tended to challenge human ingenuity. In this endeavour, Raffles Faculty shall diligently work alongside the ablest, best and globally acknowledged centers of research and academia. Added to this would be systems and processes that would create an ambience conducive to the spirit of inquiry and the pursuit of excellence within the University. The Mission of Raffles University, Neemrana, is scholasticism of a high order through education, not instruction. Teaching, in the various disciplines, would be a collective exploration of the boundaries of knowledge, by the teachers and the taught, so as to look and reach beyond them.This would enable the students to emerge from the University portals as fully developed global citizens prepared to function as agents for change in an era where technology and commerce are rapidly transforming human lives. The capacity to usher in change shall be specially ingrained among Raffles students so that they may discover, nurture and expand their individual talents, skills and interests while standing forth as leaders and path breakers in their future careers. Raffles University, Neemrana established as per Section 2(f) of UGC Act is a multi discipline university providing world class education. The sponsoring body is Gomber Education Foundation, a voluntary, not-profit making, non-sectarian charitable organization registered under the Indian trusts Act, 1882 established by Founder president, Mr. V.K. Gomber with Internationally renowned trustees. The Gomber Education Foundation decides on scholarships and fee concessions on a case to case basis depending upon the merit of the student, the requirement and the corpus available for the purpose. Raffles University has taken an initiative to offer 25% tuition fee waiver for all girl students for the first academic year. The Alabbar School of Management (ASM) derives its ethos from the life and ideals of the late Mr. Vinod Kumar Gomber who established the Gomber Education Foundation and the leadership as well as robust business vision of Mohamed Al Abbar, the head of the EMAAR Group which is ranked highly in the Forbes list of global business entities. It was the fire, drive, energy and commitment of Mr. V. K. Gomber and the futuristic perspective of Mohamed Al Abbar, which enabled the construction of the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, a towering tribute to our founder and the dynamism of those who conceived and built this architectural marvel whose pinnacle symbolizes the aspirations and achievements of men and women who dare to accept and overcome challenges. VKG Memorial Library of Raffles University is primarily meant for Students, Researchers and Faculty & Staff. It is housed in double storied with a carpet area of 588 Sq. Mtr. It is located in building of School of Law.
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Alagappa University - Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India
WebSite: investingintamilnadu.comOfficial Website of Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India
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