Keyword of a11y Results
MWF - Mobile Accessibility
WebSite: gari.infoGARI is an online database for accessible mobile phones, tablets and apps. It allows consumers to learn about accessibility features of mobile devices.
406,007 -
Igalia - Open Source Consultancy and Development
WebSite: igalia.comIgalia is an open source consultancy specialised in the development of innovative projects and solutions. Our engineers have expertise in a wide range of technological areas, including browsers and client-side web technologies, graphics pipeline, compilers and virtual machines. We have the most WPE, WebKit, Chromium/Blink and Firefox expertise found in the consulting business, including many reviewers and committers. Igalia designs, develops, customises and optimises GNU/Linux-based solutions for companies across the globe. Our work and contributions are present in many projects such as GStreamer, Mesa 3D, WebKit, Chromium, etc.
551,557 -
Web Accessibility - Website Accessibility Solutions EqualWeb
WebSite: equalweb.comWeb accessibility world's #1 solution provider. Our cutting-edge technology meets ADA and WCAG2 compliance laws and regulations as well as Section 508. Make your website accessible today - start by using our FREE tools.
635,052 -
The Accessibility Tool For Your Team | Aditus
WebSite: aditus.ioDo you know if your website is accessible? Get accessibility reports and learn how to fix your issues. Let's make the web more inclusive.
2,852,952 -
Reakit – Toolkit for building accessible UIs
WebSite: reakit.ioLow level component library for building accessible high level UI libraries, design systems and applications with React.
3,489,902 -
Ben Myers
WebSite: benmyers.devWeb developer. Accessibility advocate. Human T-rex.
5,819,042 -
ESVI-AL Educación Superior Virtual Inclusiva – América Latina
WebSite: esvial.orgEducación Superior Virtual Inclusiva - América Latina ESVI-AL, proyecto financiado por el programa ALFA III de la Unión Europea
13,937,008 - | Home page
WebSite: tenon.ioaccessibility as a service
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