Keyword of idolmaster Results
【公式】アイドルマスター OFFICIAL WEB(アイマス)
40,771 -
【公式】アイドルマスター OFFICIAL WEB(アイマス)
191,662 -
project-imas wiki
WebSite: project-imas.wikiThis wiki is a continuation of the original wiki, which ended service at the end of 2021. It was originally created with the goal of providing in-depth information to English-speaking fans about the multimedia development project known as "Project iM@S". This project derived from the arcade game "THE iDOLM@STER" and has expanded into a franchise of console games, CDs, DVDs, manga, radio shows, etc. Expect translations, song lyrics, character details, and other goodies; Project iM@S has come to see official releases in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and English. (You may also see it spelled without the @, e.g.: imas or idolmaster)
118,124 -
Usamin S@tellite | English Resources for iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Starlight Stage!
WebSite: usamin.infoThe Only Centralised English Resource For iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Starlight Stage! English translations for all cards and idols plus event and gacha countdowns.
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