Keyword of magnetism Results
The largest and highest powered magnet lab in the world - MagLab
WebSite: nationalmaglab.orgThe MagLab is the largest and highest powered magnet lab in the world, offering scientists free access to unique instruments and expertise to help advance basic science, engineering and technology in the 21st century.
833,818 -
Magnet Man - Cool Experiments with Magnets
WebSite: coolmagnetman.comExperiments with magnets and electromagnets which can be built and demonstrated; for elementary school through high school classrooms. Can also be a starting point for science fair projects.
3,846,858 -
PV Scientific Instruments' Online Catalog
WebSite: arcsandsparks.comWorking models of apparatus used in great discoveries in electricity, magnetism, wireless, and atomic physics.
4,317,616 -
WebSite: physicshelpline.netGet free help with solutions of physics problems. You may get your problem or question added to the list. Get help online and that too free.
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