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Wylie ISD is a fast growing school system in southern Collin County, 24 miles northeast of metropolitan Dallas. Covering 41 square miles, the district serves more than 16,000 students at 20 campuses. 279,369 -
Technology management Product design and development; Essential engineering management, Product design and development; manufacturing operations; innovation and entrepreneurship; program and project management; Support the leadership career path, Improve management, improve leadership, Premier resource of essential management and leadership knowledge, Management sciences and practices, Managing engineering and technology. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: technology policy development, assessment, and transfer; research; strategy; education and training; organizational development and human behavior; transitioning to management; and the socioeconomic impact of engineering and technology management. 5,590,026 -
Qare est le leader de la téléconsultation médicale en France. Consultez un médecin en ligne 7j/7 de 6h à minuit. Recevez un avis médical et une ordonnance si nécessaire. 29,451 -
Serwis z kamerami na żywo w Bieszczadach. Zobacz ruch turystyczny, sprawdź pogodę, warunki narciarskie na stokach w Bieszczadach i inne atrakcje! Kamery Ustrzyki Dolne, Solina, Polańczyk, Czarna Górna 448,496 -
Améliorez la performance et la sécurité de votre entreprise avec l’APAVE, quel que soit son domaine d’activité. Formations, contrôles de conformité, essais et mesures sur vos produits ou matériaux, certification, l’APAVE est votre partenaire à chaque étape 979,593 - 8,498,415 -
アセントネットワークスはMDM及びコンテンツマーケティングとSEOサービスを提供するデータ基盤のマーケティング会社です。 5,779,208 -
Reduce your cost, risk, and time to market with our products and services for air, land, sea, space, cyberspace, and industrial applications. 1,622,436 - 671,261 -
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«Qazaqstan» (Қазақстан / Казахстан / Kazakhstan) — Бүгінгі таңда ол еліміздегі ең ірі медиа құрылым. «Қазақстан» РТРК» АҚ-ның құрамында бүгінгі таңда 4 республикалық телеарна, 14 аймақтық арна және 4 радио кіреді. Телеарнаның техникалық әлеуеті республика аумағының 100 пайызына жуық, көршілес Ресей Федерациясы, Қырғызстан, Өзбекстан, Түркменстан, Моңғолия және Шыңжан-Ұйғыр автономиялы ауданы өңірлеріне хабар таратуға мүмкіндік беріп отыр. 91,185 -
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