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WebSite: cn.mirroid.comMirroid(米卓同屏助手)是一款在PC端显示/操控手机的同屏软件,可以完美实现对安卓应用、游戏、短信等日常功能的100%的操控,并且高清无延迟。在电脑桌面上与你的手机互动,无需频繁拿起手机就可以高效处理手机上的日常事务。同时具有手机投屏、文件传输、键盘鼠标操控、截图及录影等功能。
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Jain Quantum is a Jain literature search engine. Jain Quantum aims to create an accessible search experience for everyone, including pathshala students, teachers, university professors, and non-Jains, as well. Jain Quantum allows you to find the smallest details hidden within pages of literature. Currently, 99% of English literature on the Jain eLibrary has been indexed on Jain Quantum, and we will continue to add more texts. There is also interfaith content available, such as texts from Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. 222,745 -
Easy to setup. Integrates anywhere. Call & message customers via mobile or desktop apps. All for a fair price. 495,148 -
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지속적인 발전을 거듭하는 Liberty는 누구나 GNU GPLv3 하에 무료로 사용하고 개발에 참여할 수 있습니다. 광고 차단 기능의 해제는 안정적인 운영에 도움이 됩니다 306,051 -
It is at Sushi Sama that sushi is prepared with finesse and diligence. Each roll has unique ingredients coming together in harmony. The original names of each item reflect its contents and they have been carefully created by the experienced Sushi Sama chefs. Whether it's to eat healthy or for a special event, you will be satisfied with your experience! C'est chez Sushi Sama que les sushis sont préparés avec finesse et diligence. Chaque rouleau possède des ingrédients uniques rentrant en harmonie. Les noms originaux de chaque item reflètent son contenu et ils ont été soigneusement créés par les chefs expérimentés de Sushi Sama. Que ce soit pour manger santé ou pour un évènement spécial, vous serez satisfait de votre expérience! 769,716 -
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Sportovní a doplňková výživa, proteiny, kreatiny, aminokyseliny, spalovače, anabolizéry. 602,790 -
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Bharatiya Janata Party is the largest political party 147,147 -
Information technology resources, news, and service information at MSU. It is maintained by IT Services and the Office of the CIO. 570,868 -
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